As a key issue in the model, the Gibbs free energies for competitive oxidation reactions of the elements in the steel were used to calculate the delivery proportions of the supplied oxygen to the elements. 作为模型的关键,根据钢中各元素竞争氧化反应的Gibbs自由能估算了吹入熔池中的氧参与各元素氧化反应的分配比率。
The parameters of the model were more reasonably determined for the AOD process of austenitic stainless steel. The Gibbs free energies for the competitive oxidation reactions of the elements in the steel were used to calculate the distribution ratios of the oxygen blown among the elements. 对奥氏体不锈钢的AOD精炼,较合理地确定了模型各有关参数,以钢中各元素竞争性氧化反应的Gibbs自由能估算了吹入熔池的氧气在各元素间的分配率。
It has also been found that there exists competitive adsorption between water and oxygen on silver and water can increase the selectivity of methanol oxidation to formaldehyde. 水和氧在电解银表面上存在着竞争吸附,水的加入能抑制甲醇氧化为甲醛的副产物CO2的产生,提高反应选择性。